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The Most Beautiful Thing

The Most Beautiful Thing

The most beautiful thing about the delicate pages that hold the power of the Universe within them is this: they speak loudly on some days and in whispers on others, but they always have something important to say. Whether I weep or laugh (wait, have I ever really...
A White Bleeding Heart

A White Bleeding Heart

Birthday Benediction for June 22 Driving down (or is it up) North Avenue we passed the Black Holocaust Museum and I noticed the glow of the beautiful lighting. It’s a rainy gray day that made the track lighting fixtures stand out like bursts of starlight. I had just...


I have not yet learned to hold back my words in Prayer. I sit – silent – and words do come floating on wings, butterflies in my brain. In silence – You fill me I overflow with Words. Why, Words come to life in Silence! Have I so misunderstood? Do I...
Manifestation of the Essential: Epiphanytide

Manifestation of the Essential: Epiphanytide

Since we waited four hours for friends to stop by on Christmas Day to drop something off, and I straightened and organized the house, got dressed, put on makeup, when all I really wanted to do was spend the day in my new gray sweatpants, I may do that today. We’ll...

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