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An Enchanted Evening

An Enchanted Evening

The violin called out a sweet message setting a stage of elegance. I lifted my eyes from my conversation to the staircase as the dancers made their entrance and slowly began their descent into the space where the audience stood watching mesmerized and suddenly we were...
A Day of Dance in the City

A Day of Dance in the City

I haven’t had the head space to write this past week (though I tried to gather some thoughts on the Old Testament Book of Judges…phew, that’s a tough one! Maybe good to take a break. To be continued.) Anyway, I’m not sure this video I made from...
Tappy the Mouse

Tappy the Mouse

This story was originally posted in Fall, 2013 on my former blog called, Sundays with Dad. It had nothing to do with my dad. I was beginning to branch out a little. Here’s to you, Amy who gave Tappy her name… “We have a problem,” I hear Todd...
Would You Like to Dance?

Would You Like to Dance?

I am a dancer and I work at a nonprofit called Danceworks. I usually write about my work on our Danceworks blog instead of here. This is my personal blog but since this post ventures a little into the personal, I thought it might be better served here. Our mission at...

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