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A White Bleeding Heart

A White Bleeding Heart

Birthday Benediction for June 22 Driving down (or is it up) North Avenue we passed the Black Holocaust Museum and I noticed the glow of the beautiful lighting. It’s a rainy gray day that made the track lighting fixtures stand out like bursts of starlight. I had just...
A Confession: All Things New (Even This Post)

A Confession: All Things New (Even This Post)

Heads up. If you’re on my email list, you may have seen a rough draft of this story last weekend. I accidentally published it (that’s humbling) then moved it into private so no one else could see it. I’m trying again. Because this flower can’t hang out in private! My...
haiku for morning

haiku for morning

morning, where are you? seeds of youth now buried deep, fed by soil still– … streams of light at dawn, from darkness comes your brilliance, nourishing your growth. … cast not a shadow of unrest, but protecting, till your faith takes hold. …...
Truly and Deeply and Madly

Truly and Deeply and Madly

As the story goes, up until twenty-three-and-a-half years ago, I had been looking for love in all the wrong places. Then one snowy winter night in the Midwest, I came to an impasse. Standing on a street corner beneath the glow of a streetlamp, stood a tall man in a...
just being

just being

busy carpenter bees buzzing crashing against farmhouse windows as i sit looking out to the shenandoah mountains far off in the distance horses stand still, statuesque one tail sweeps, a single hoof lifts, tilting into an elegant stance, the dancer’s b+ position,...

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