busy carpenter bees buzzing
crashing against farmhouse windows as i sit looking out to the shenandoah mountains far off in the distance
horses stand still, statuesque
one tail sweeps, a single hoof lifts, tilting into an elegant stance, the dancer’s b+ position, waiting
preparation, transition
a rooster crows
one horse sits, one sways, one stays
the 25-year-old named kid lowers her mighty weight to the ground with a thud and lays down her head
i’ve never seen a horse lay down its head
the second, “a stinker named dunnie”, shifts his weight from one hoof to another, sways backwards in slow motion
and i think he’s going down like kid but then he sways forward, stands still as clay, staring off, except for the twitch of a muscle, a shake of his cool braided mane
the third, the largest, the overseer, “just al,” followed us across the field this morning and stood watching on the hill as we hiked the trail, now stands motionless while
kid lifts her weight back up as cumbersomely as she went down, then saunters off to relieve herself and moves on
dunnie does the same and
al shifts slowly to face them, just watching, doesn’t follow, and i think
some of us are better at just being than others
i am like the bees
but here, in shenandoah valley, i want to become like the horses

Aw Debs – I love this…slowing down with those you love…soak it in ❤️
I can literally see the horses doing this! Beautiful! ❤️