by Deb Farris | Dec 16, 2024 | Advent, Devotions, Faith & Art, Writing
Something happened this past week I’ve been wondering if there are new ways to write about really old things. This particular pondering began when I was asked to read from Luke 2 for a wrap-up breakfast at church at the end of our Bible study on following Jesus. It’s...
by Deb Farris | Dec 23, 2023 | Advent, Devotions, Poetry
The lovely photographs featured here are taken with the eye and hand of photographer/poet/writer Gary Fultz. _________ I’m waiting for a breakthrough as Bach’s Magnificat breaks through the silence. He was just a young man when he wrote this amazing piece of music...
by Deb Farris | Dec 20, 2023 | Advent, Musings, Writing
I was going to wait and post this tomorrow so as not to be annoying, you know? I’m always a little worried about that, but when I saw the “20th” day lit up on the ol’ Advent calendar in the lower left corner of the picture below, I thought I might better go ahead and...
by Deb Farris | Dec 7, 2023 | Advent, Devotions, Nature, Writing
The photos in this piece are the work of Photographer/Writer Gary Fultz “There are many things we don’t have language for,” our instructor Tolu said last Saturday in the One to One Care training I attend. It made me stop. She continued. “Often we don’t have words to...
by Deb Farris | Dec 24, 2022 | Advent, Devotions, Faith, Family, Writing
Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 We had been to a Christmas Eve service together—my husband, son and his wife—that year. It had left us wanting more, or less, as the case may have been. It was 2019, they had gone to church for me. The music had been a...