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Sometimes Never Forever

Sometimes Never Forever

—On Publishing, Prayers and Healing in My Second Chapter Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and filled with self doubt when I do my query searches for agents and publishers I feel like Dorothy in the field of the poppies. Oh, it can be discouraging and draining. Never is...
Through the Lens of Truth and Beauty

Through the Lens of Truth and Beauty

How often do you see Someone with tears in their eyes Because they are so Happy to see you? How often do you sit and Share all that life has Given and taken away? “I’m a Quaker now,” She said before she left for The airport. “I wanted You to know that.” “My old...
Love at its Best

Love at its Best

“Keep going, it’s okay if you mess up, you’re only human,” I tell myself. God’s grace is on you, His glory is in you.* I have the best writing friends. Their words arrive and bless me every day, even at 3:00 a.m. Especially at 3:00 a.m. When I can’t sleep these days,...
Still Bearing Fruit

Still Bearing Fruit

Little tree, I do meet, perchance, strolling on a summer day Your fruit plentiful, with youthful blush you flourish But what of these limbs when winter bares and night winds blow No color then, nor overflowing branches to shade this ground Harvest complete, or so it...

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