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I’m Here Sis

I’m Here Sis

I heard a child This morning Ask her mother, “Why do leaves Have to die?” as she Crunched through a pile of brown crumbles On the sidewalk. “The colors were So pretty!” she said. “Where Did they go?” I didn’t hear The mother’s Response. Maybe I would have said, “We...
When Death Becomes Light

When Death Becomes Light

It was a silky, milky Scene this past Sunday Beyond the lake bluff. The horizon had been erased, Reminding me of the day That had reminded me of The first of the last seven days of my mother’s life. There had been no divide Between water and Sky, heaven and...
No Turning Back

No Turning Back

It’s been ten years today since my mom’s passing. She loved Morning Buns so I bought one yesterday to have for breakfast this morning. They’re big, Todd and I share. You can peel off the layers one at a time. Fannie was begging for some. I told Todd to give her the...
Finding the Dance Within —a Morning Ritual

Finding the Dance Within —a Morning Ritual

I’ve been thinking about things that contribute to the grace and creativity and joy of a life or family or community, that allows it to thrive, to become beautiful and uniquely its own in this time and place in the world. In my own experience, the movement—Grace,...

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