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Becoming One

Becoming One

Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 We had been to a Christmas Eve service together—my husband, son and his wife—that year. It had left us wanting more, or less, as the case may have been. It was 2019, they had gone to church for me. The music had been a...
Becoming Beautiful

Becoming Beautiful

O that we would have eyes to see the beauty within each other’s eyes and know the longing within each other’s sighs. O that we would have eyes to see the One who has no form within each other, until what is a mystery or lacking meaning, with new eyes would see and...
Mystery Merges With Miraculous

Mystery Merges With Miraculous

It was eleven degrees outside and still dark. We were drinking coffee. “Did you really write that? A wee Babe’s face? Todd asked after I read him my poem. “I did. You don’t like it?” “Wee?” “What?” “We don’t talk that way,” he said attempting a Scottish accent. “A...
The Dance for Liberty and Justice

The Dance for Liberty and Justice

We have no control over what someone does to us. What we have control over is our response. The dance teaches our students to respond to the missteps, failures and rejections of others with grace, respect and patience. It guides them to respond to their dance partner...

New Depths

Come down from the ladder Don’t you know stubborn self? The only way up is down Come down from the heights Of self elevation ‘Tis a gift to come down It’s where you ought to be Down down deeper down Deeper still Deep into the heart From where the...

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