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Wait! What If?

Wait! What If?

Wait! What if love is Food? What if love is Wine? What if love is a Lifeboat in waters too deep? As if I had been too preoccupied previously, Love spoke up. “I am the Bread of life, I am the Cup of Grace. “I have saved you in the storm. I have renewed you—mind, body...
What Love Is Or Isn’t

What Love Is Or Isn’t

“What is love? How would you answer that?” I asked my husband on Saturday night at 8:43 PM after he’d watch a great storm roll in from the front porch with our dog while the cat was hiding. I’d no idea where the cat was but she had a mouse trapped earlier, I knew she...
Whose Story Is It?

Whose Story Is It?

It was just an ordinary morning filled with extraordinary little moments. That happens when I step out of myself and into the flow of the day, heart full of God’s Word, eyes and ears open, watching, listening. If there hadn’t been a lakefront full of smelly dead fish...
When Parents are Gone

When Parents are Gone

We were at the doctor’s office because of a fall. Honestly, I thought he was having a stroke when he couldn’t touch his nose, but it was dehydration again. The doctor had called paramedics to help me get him to the hospital when all of a sudden he broke out into a...
A Fine Day and a Fine Line

A Fine Day and a Fine Line

It’s a beautiful June morning, perfect for sitting on the front porch as I have coffee and do my Devotions. Sometimes it can be distracting, being outside. We face the street, neighbors walk by, I stop reading and writing to say hello and lose the flow. I think God’s...

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