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A Vertical Miracle

A Vertical Miracle

Rolling to one side, I keep rolling so I hold onto the pillow. Sitting up, I keep my eyes closed. This seems to help. Yawning, lifting my arms, forcing fists, checking for equal strength on both sides of myself, standing slowly Waiting for a sense of steadiness before...
On Becoming Real

On Becoming Real

  it’s misty gray but there is the new sound of a bubbling brook today. i know i may be alone, but i am going to miss the snow. it covers many distractions all in white and makes everything it comes in contact with beautiful. it gets walked all over and becomes...
Joy in the Fury

Joy in the Fury

Joy, how do we meet with you? How are you made manifest in the fury? Where do you begin and, tell me, will you ever end? Are you like the broken iceberg weighted by the storm, loosened from the shore, now set afloat and free? Or are you like the waves that make...
Seeing Between the Lines

Seeing Between the Lines

I used to draw and paint. I used to sing, I used to play…the piano. Now I work and rest, I worship. I write and when I leave this life I wonder if I will leave everything unfinished. When we are given a certain ability and it is not used, is it removed like the...
A Time for New Life

A Time for New Life

Advent: Day 19 “What do you want to do with these plants you have in the attic? They’re dead. I’m bringing them down,” Todd said. “Oh, I know. I killed them.” Neither of the two orchids had shown any signs of life for months but I had kept hoping. I had to accept my...

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