It happened so fast. It came from nowhere. It was so unexpected, and so very unlike me…
We’d arrived at the hotel after Todd drove ten hours to Lafayette, Indiana to discover the restaurant was closed. So we went out and found a Chipotle and Fresh Thyme to buy a few provisions. We got back to the room and he went back down to the car to get a hamburger out of the cooler for Fannie’s supper.
All I heard when he returned to the room was, “Everything is all wet…”
“Oh, no. You didn’t tie the bags before you poured the ice in?!”
He stood there calmly. “No.”
“You didn’t tie the bags…?”
“No. Why would I tie the bags?”
“To keep the food dry! Do you have any idea how long it took me to organize all that food? I knew I should have told you to tie the bags before you put the ice in!”
“Well, why didn’t you tie them then?”
“In case we wanted something. Why would I put everything in two drawstring bags if not to protect the food from the ice?!” I was really getting riled. Todd was getting miffed.
“Well, it’s all wet now.”
“Oh, honey!”
“Don’t ‘oh honey’ me.”
“You ruined all that food,” I said, suddenly feeling my age.
“Oh, no! The cucumber got wet!”
“What did you do with the bags?” I asked, exasperated, reaching for the car key in his pocket.
“I left one on top of the cooler.”
“Give me the car key.”
Really, do not ask me why I was fuming as I rode the elevator down. We had just spent an entire vacation without the slightest disagreement, and now? A meltdown over melted ice? Seriously, Deborah? Why do they have mirrors in elevators?
I poured the water out of the remaining bag, shook off the contents and reorganized the cooler. It really wasn’t that bad. But I couldn’t find the hamburger.
I rode the elevator back up, shaking my head, walked in our room and said I was sorry. Profusely. “But I couldn’t find the hamburger.“
“I found the hamburger. Fannie already ate it.”
“I thought you said you couldn’t find it.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Then why did I go all the way down there?”
“To dry off the cheese, apparently. You don’t want to eat cheese with a little water on the wrapper.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tie the bags. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you to. I thought about it…”
Fannie was already asleep, sprawled out on the King.
This morning, it’s raining and cold. We stopped for gas outside of Chicago and Todd reminded me that I could listen to the 9:30 service on-line. Such a good husband. We sang along during worship. He has such a good voice.
“Come and magnify the Lord with me…Oh taste and see, that the Lord is good…” 🎶
“Those who look to Him are radiant; they’ll never be ashamed…” was read from Psalm 34. Believe me, I’m looking.
“Never ending praise…”
Never ending praise…such a good God. Such a good husband. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, too.” Where, oh where, would we be without grace?
And that’s a wrap! Thanks for coming along for the ride. ❤️

I have those moments, too, Deb. It’s usually about the time I start thinking I’m a pretty good person … :/
Hi Deb, That sounds like a “where did that come from” kind of moment, which we all encounter infrequently, some more infrequently than others. Those are the moments where Jesus puts everything back together for us, just as a reminder, so to speak, that He’s there with us. I’m not exactly sure why they happen but I know that I’m glad that He’s there to make all things right again. Actually being glad is a bit of an understatement, extremely grateful hits more to home. Blessings!
“Why are there mirrors in elevators?—the travel adventures of Deb and Todd”. What a book title!!
Bruce, I went to bed pondering how to respond to your comment here and woke up thinking about it. It brought such peace into this day. There are so many times I wish I could go back into certain situations and handle them differently. That I saw this quip with Todd resolved so quickly gave me a new confidence that Jesus is also putting the other things back together for my good, even though I don’t yet see it. Thank you, my friend, for your time to tend to little ol’ me, and for your great depth of wisdom which you share so generously. Sending a huge hug, and, yes, blessings your way.
Annie, Yes, or hungry, or tired… 🥱🥴
I found what you initially wrote, easy to identify with, primarily because of necessity, due to my increased awareness of my wife’s needs, due to her dementia. I have to catch myself much more quickly and be much more sensitive. Even instincts such as protecting her, do have to be modified. I absolutely hate it when I allow me to surface and infrequently, before I go to sleep, I run through the day with Jesus and sometimes plead for Him to fix what I, even with good intentions, sometimes have done. AND HE DOES! The need I have is so great, yet His sufficiency is so much greater. It is a day by day process but I am literally amazed at what He can and does do, in both me and my wife. He is our fixer and He understands. You’re not alone and I can easily see you are also blessed with a loving and thoughtful husband. These are gifts that not everyone gets. Cherish your hubby as he cherishs you and know that God is with you daily. Blessings, Deb!
Aww Bruce, you’re so special.