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Love at its Best

Love at its Best

“Keep going, it’s okay if you mess up, you’re only human,” I tell myself. God’s grace is on you, His glory is in you.* I have the best writing friends. Their words arrive and bless me every day, even at 3:00 a.m. Especially at 3:00 a.m. When I can’t sleep these days,...
On Remembering the Corn Story

On Remembering the Corn Story

Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving story? I do. Some stories never grow old, but this one had to grow old before it became a favorite. I thought of the story once again this year and considered sharing it, but since I had already shared it here—twice!—I changed my...
Yellow Hoodie Haiku

Yellow Hoodie Haiku

The sweatshirt he wore yesterday was the color of the leaves. He stopped. I kept going, but Turned back when I noticed he Wasn’t beside me. My hands were cupped to Keep the wind out of my ears. “Wear your hat,” he’d said When we left the house. He handed it to me, the...

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