Flames of green stare back from tips of branches imprinted against morning sky, as new shoots of color appear lit from within
While the Warblers seem pleased with the decor. For yesterday, this prelude to Summer was silent, but the Sun worked all day, the Wind throughout the night, to prepare this Hymn of Praise. The great
Promise of Spring’s renewal, when once again, the air will rouse our senses through open windows, and beckon us, “Come, come out!” His
Voice calling in the stillness of the morning. His presence, assured, endless mercy and grace always with us, before us, behind us, within us. In harmony Spring presents its inner workings to produce this
Awakening of new life—God in us—before, behind, above, below, His flame within. So clap your hands young leaves, stand tall tender
Shoots. Robed in His Righteousness, your beauty shines in the Light of the new day as all Creation sings, “Behold, He is making all things new again!”

This is terrific and invigorating, Deb. Thanks for sharing.
Good thoughts and scenes of new life Deb. I am soaking in spring for awhile
Beautiful Debs
Thanks much, Larry. I ‘m looking forward to Part II of your wonderful story!
Thank you, George!
Me too, Gary. Me too.
Beautiful pics and glimpses of God’s beauty.
Stephanie, Such a joy to capture❤️