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Mystery Merges With Miraculous

Mystery Merges With Miraculous

It was eleven degrees outside and still dark. We were drinking coffee. “Did you really write that? A wee Babe’s face? Todd asked after I read him my poem. “I did. You don’t like it?” “Wee?” “What?” “We don’t talk that way,” he said attempting a Scottish accent. “A...
On Being Safe and Receiving Grace

On Being Safe and Receiving Grace

Some trees grow straight and Some trees grow curved, but they all Grow in the same woods. My heart is breaking for those who have walked away from their churches and faith because of people’s opinions, or lack of opinion. My heart is breaking over any time I didn’t...
Seeing Him in Everything

Seeing Him in Everything

I am sorting through too many thoughts as I see him standing in the distance with a watering hose connected to a flower sprinkler head, encouraging beauty with misty veils of spray. T and I are nearing the end of our walk on an unexpectedly hot Saturday, the second...
Setting Things Right

Setting Things Right

To set about setting things right, we need to know what is wrong. Right? But right according to whom? My right way may not be your right way. So how far will that get us in setting things right except in possibly setting ourselves up for making things wrong? Right?...
Outside Inside Healthy Happy New Year

Outside Inside Healthy Happy New Year

I am standing at the stove eating blueberries from a bowl as I sauté onion and orange pepper for lentil soup because the big blueberry muffin Todd and I are sharing seems to be lacking. Blueberries. Everything else about it is great: a big crunchy cap with peel off...

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