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Good Grief Good Grace

Good Grief Good Grace

I turned the handle, icy cold water poured out and then I noticed the ladybug. Within seconds, it was pummeled, wings spread wide as it tried to fly. Imagine that tiny bug staying afloat. It circled in a fury, one way then the other, almost losing the battle. I was...
Sketching Boundaries

Sketching Boundaries

What is the shadow neath a wing? No fence to keep you in. Beyond this place, though clouded Boundary lines are clear. And safe are you within His watch. What is the apple of an eye? Surrounding colors set with stars, Circles orbiting to eternity We travel, a...
Evening Reflection

Evening Reflection

There is a space within every beating heart that reaches beyond what the eye can see on earth, below the earth and above the earth, beyond the stars and the clouds we carry within. A love higher and wider, deeper and greater than our ability to understand reaches down...
Beside the Water

Beside the Water

I live by one of the Great Lakes. This means I am drawn to the Lighthouse and stand beside God’s glory in the morning. So often it’s like a picture of His love pouring down, or His grace or both. It’s a beautiful way to start the day. Though I...
Taste of Spring

Taste of Spring

Breathe in, drink your fill of sweet air. Draw in color like shades of beautiful character expressing God’s own. What traits of His do you see reflected now in your own mind? Look, the blossoms bud once again, though once dead, now bloom, violets and glories of...

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