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Hope and Healing




Sometimes Never Forever

Sometimes Never Forever

—On Publishing, Prayers and Healing in My Second Chapter Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and filled with self doubt when I do my query searches for agents and publishers I feel like Dorothy in the field of the poppies. Oh, it can be discouraging and draining. Never is...
A White Bleeding Heart

A White Bleeding Heart

Birthday Benediction for June 22 Driving down (or is it up) North Avenue we passed the Black Holocaust Museum and I noticed the glow of the beautiful lighting. It’s a rainy gray day that made the track lighting fixtures stand out like bursts of starlight. I had just...
A Confession: All Things New (Even This Post)

A Confession: All Things New (Even This Post)

Heads up. If you’re on my email list, you may have seen a rough draft of this story last weekend. I accidentally published it (that’s humbling) then moved it into private so no one else could see it. I’m trying again. Because this flower can’t hang out in private! My...
Holy Week and an Unexpected Call

Holy Week and an Unexpected Call

Where do I begin? It’s Holy Week. I decided I would hold off on writing because I wanted to soak it in, not spill out. Well, this is probably one of the longest posts I’ve written in a while, in spite of my best laid plan. I want to drink in these holy days ahead,...

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