




County Fair Days

County Fair Days

“Honey is it okay if I humiliate you in my post…?” I said as we were driving home from the fairgrounds. ……… He laughed so I figured that was a yes. Todd and I like a band called Rebel Grace. We have often gone to hear them at the Wisconsin State Fair and once at Brady...
the warm and cold days of november

the warm and cold days of november

it’s mid november when everthing is painted in muted tones with textures still defined before the snow falls—a good time to hike! we drove to kettle moraine this past week, when it hit the 70s! todd took the day off. we stopped at fiddleheads in cedarburg first for...
Unexpected Guests

Unexpected Guests

Have you ever had an unexpected guest travel along side you as you take a walk—-in front, behind, above, beside and bop you on the head kind of guest? Funny Monarch. Nature’s tinker bell, spiritual symbol, life’s reminder of hope sometimes knows it has to stick around...
When Parents are Gone

When Parents are Gone

We were at the doctor’s office because of a fall. Honestly, I thought he was having a stroke when he couldn’t touch his nose, but it was dehydration again. The doctor had called paramedics to help me get him to the hospital when all of a sudden he broke out into a...
To You On the Other Side of All That

To You On the Other Side of All That

Sometimes you have to get all the way over to the other side of something before you can see it for what it was, which can be so different from how it seemed at the time. Dog in T-shirt to protect sutures, feeding dog by hand, giving meds wrapped in sausage have all...

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