




The 24,090th Day

The 24,090th Day

I fell asleep last night to the roar of the waves. Maybe that’s why I dreamt about a Lion. I don’t know. But the Lion told me all my days were numbered before one of them came to be. When I woke, I roughly counted that I have been alive for 24,090 days. It was...
just being

just being

busy carpenter bees buzzing crashing against farmhouse windows as i sit looking out to the shenandoah mountains far off in the distance horses stand still, statuesque one tail sweeps, a single hoof lifts, tilting into an elegant stance, the dancer’s b+ position,...
A Vertical Miracle

A Vertical Miracle

Rolling to one side, I keep rolling so I hold onto the pillow. Sitting up, I keep my eyes closed. This seems to help. Yawning, lifting my arms, forcing fists, checking for equal strength on both sides of myself, standing slowly Waiting for a sense of steadiness before...

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