It was Saturday morning. We were having breakfast, farm fresh eggs so yellow that Todd asked, “How did you make the eggs this color?”
Summer air was blowing in through the window. The neighbor had just finished mowing her lawn, the smell of fresh cut grass still lingered. Something had been on my mind so I spoke up…
That sounds okay so far, right? I wrote this blog last weekend with the plan to post it today. This morning, I woke up thinking, I can’t publish that post! And felt a sense of relief that I wouldn’t. But then I saw the headlines on the morning paper and felt differently. Maybe God was urging me on…

This is how the blog continued:
“As I was doing my Mental Health Coach training yesterday,” I said to Todd, “I thought, ‘Who am I to think I could be a good coach? I probably need a coach!’”
I was studying the session on Boundaries and Violations: Dealing with Seductive, Suicidal, and Potentially Violent People. The thought had upset me. I’d closed my computer and gone for a walk with Fannie, ready to reconsider.
Todd laughed and said, “You’ve got me, Baby. I had a lot of training growing up. My mom was depressed, my brother was depressed, my sister was manic.”
I guess I had good training too. And he’s right, I do have him. He is my sounding board, my confidante and trusted best friend who is always looking out for me.
If I move ahead with the training and certification, which I fully intend to do, it will be a reminder to me, every day, that it’s not in my own strength I live and breathe and work, but through God’s strength in me. If I can just stay out of the way—over-achiever, I tend to be.
And it’s also a reminder, He gives us work, if we accept it, to remind us that we are inadequate. We need Him. That’s a humbling, life-changing realization.
So, there’s the Trauma Care Workshop I’ll be attending this weekend, and I plan to apply to serve as a one-on-one caregiver through my church, a ministry my mom started. That application sits on our dining room table. I also hope to move ahead with the scholarship I’ve received to be certified as a Life Coach.
Let’s just say, after much waiting, God is moving. He has been so good to me, in spite of so much…you know, I’ve written about it, domestic violence (not Todd) and depression, maybe trauma triggered, maybe genetic, maybe both—an auto immune disease—maybe trauma triggered, maybe genetic, maybe both—and any number of things I’ve worked hard to overcome through God’s goodness, grace and healing.
I have felt this overwhelming sense to share what I’ve received. Our God is a good God, a healing God, who doesn’t want us to sit stuck in sickness or isolation or shame.
It’s my journey that just keeps going, on and on, and I wouldn’t change a bit of it…well, not too much of it anyway. There are a few things I would love to change. But when I think of that, I remember what my dear friend and spiritual director, Shelly, told me—God doesn’t erase the past, Debbie, He redeems it.
What life-giving words those have been for me. How can I help but not want to pass that and so much more on?
So onward. There’s no time for wallowing or self-doubt. We can fully embrace the wonders and workings of God in our lives. Or not.
It’s God’s story after all, a testimony of transformation intended to be shared for His glory.
“Honey?” I said after we’d finished breakfast. Todd didn’t answer me. He was watching the Tour de France, but I proceeded anyway. “I’m so glad we’re traveling together.”
He looked up, quizzically. I looked at him. He squinted and cocked his head—kind of like Fannie does when she brings you her gong and drops it on your feet. “You now, through life!” I added, and then we both burst out laughing. It did sound kind of corny.
But it’s true!

Well, we may worry about wolves (or coyotes), but don’t we all deserve the beauty of God’s goodness and grace? Even cats.
“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4
Yes I understand… It’s easy to follow after God’s will when it feels natural and not too challenging. When one is supporting others it becomes more daunting. I studied to be a counselor, everyone was so encouraging, said I was a natural… I counseled teenagers and parents in an underprivileged area which was very stretching… Then I ran art-workshops for restoring wellness in women. It is so vital to lean into Him and those that support you. And so humbling because only he knows ultimately but I believe that we are co-workers with him… We can be God’s blessing. I pray that for you. 🙋♀️🙏💖
I am feeling that call in my new country, and I am allowing the path to unfold as I journey on expectantly, but also cautiously.
Thank you, Morag, I’ll be praying for you too. It seems as though we may be standing at the same crossroads.
I enjoyed coming across these words this morning in Jeremiah:
This is what the LORD says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you’ll find rest for your souls. (6:16) ☺️
We also have similarity in our past work. Although my work wasn’t in counseling or art therapy per se, I always saw and worked with the total person in dance…crossing the center diagonal in a studio was like moving through obstacles and challenges in life. Don’t quit! Come on, you can do it. Let’s try it again! I loved teaching in college. Especially those students who were told “no” for whatever reason previously in life. My greatest joy was watching the dancer unfold. So many wonderful stories and people!
Thank you for sharing a little of yours here. ❤️
Thank you! It does seem so. Jeremiah 6.16 is one of my favorite verses. So interesting to hear about your past work. Working with people is such a privilege and honor. Wishing you the best.
Wow, Morag, this conversation is not a coincidence. I just finished looking over my journal of the past seven days and returned to the first page that began with Jer 6:16. I read on for two pages and found these words: “Go back and reflect on Jer 6:16.” ❤️
That is amazing! 👏👏💖