She called me Gracie to remind me to pray for grace. I called her Grace to remind me too.

She taught me that grace is the essence of life. Without it, we fall.

Today she lies in ICU, I don’t know if I will ever hear her voice again. The voice of Grace in my llife changed me.

I was more honest with her than with anyone. She never judged me. She would laugh instead and make me laugh. Grace’s laugh always lifted me up.

Today, I have to wonder where I would be without Grace, where I will be tomorrow. I know I don’t have to worry, I hear her tell me she will stay with me always, enveloped in my heart.

She taught me how to dance–my soul is strengthened, my mind flexible, my spirit boundaryless. My body is still.

As I think of Grace, I welcome the morning light like a follow spot that will shine on and in and through me today. Grace is my friend and has prepared me–she is both my Choreographer and Partner. She keeps me on balance, keeps me from falling. She will dance with me as long as the sun and moon continue to shine.

She asked that I dance with those who are weak, afflicted, poor in spirit–lifting and freeing them as she did me. I hear her voice shout out, “May the whole earth be filled with the dance!”

She has warned me about the slippery floor. But she has taught me that my life is worth nothing if only I may finish the dance and complete the task given to me–the task of sharing God’s Grace–to teach another to dance.

Grace has said to me, “We must help others as we remember the words of Jesus, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Dance in the Light, she says, and wear the beautiful crown you have been given–the crown of knowledge that you are loved.

We all need Grace in our lives. I am thankful for mine.


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