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Love at its Best

Love at its Best

“Keep going, it’s okay if you mess up, you’re only human,” I tell myself. God’s grace is on you, His glory is in you.* I have the best writing friends. Their words arrive and bless me every day, even at 3:00 a.m. Especially at 3:00 a.m. When I can’t sleep these days,...
“A Psalm. A Song. For the Sabbath Day.”

“A Psalm. A Song. For the Sabbath Day.”

I was tempted to sit down at my computer on the dining room table before church. Isn’t church enough time with God this morning, I wondered?, while I considered foregoing my usual quiet time. I picked up my big steaming mug of coffee from the counter and glanced at...
One Spring Morning

One Spring Morning

“Valdaree Valdah rah…” he sings as we’re walking along through the neighborhood this morning. Soon enough, I realize I can’t get the tune out of my head and start humming it. It’s a beautiful morning, temperate, hazy sunlight has appeared—the sun comes in, the...
When Overcome By the One Who Became

When Overcome By the One Who Became

I have come from one place, arrived here, and am now in-between here and the place I am going. I wait in my favorite room facing north with a beautiful view, all yellow and blue like Van Gogh’s Starry Night. This artist trusted his life’s work and was not led...
What We Will or Will Not Be

What We Will or Will Not Be

We will not be content existing like the groundhog, burrowing beneath the beauty, hibernating throughout the winters. But like the golden eagle, we will mount up and nest on the cliffs above waterfalls and grasslands, harbingers of the heights, traveling through the...

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