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The Art of Discipline

First comes joy’s anticipation–beauty to behold. Then the daily drudgery of mastering the tendu. Pulls, tears, breaks–the pain of perfecting technique. Joy becomes something of the past as I am forced into stillness, injured. Then, evidence of...

The Dance

In dance, one’s center is found through discipline and repetition, grounding and opposition, commitment and passion, humility, taking risks and falling, etc. Nurtured by the creative spirit, it’s where grace and true freedom of movement is found and art is born....

With Grace

She called me Gracie to remind me to pray for grace. I called her Grace to remind me too. She taught me that grace is the essence of life. Without it, we fall. Today she lies in ICU, I don’t know if I will ever hear her voice again. The voice of Grace in my...

A Needle in the Camp Randall Haystack

Okay—stop everything. There were six members in the Wenzler family. We’ve only talked about five. When did number six come long? Well, not too long after we moved in at the farm. Here are the details as I recall them: Mom was pregnant with baby number four and went to...

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