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One for the Road: Meltdown from Nowhere

One for the Road: Meltdown from Nowhere

It happened so fast. It came from nowhere. It was so unexpected, and so very unlike me… We’d arrived at the hotel after Todd drove ten hours to Lafayette, Indiana to discover the restaurant was closed. So we went out and found a Chipotle and Fresh Thyme to buy a few...
Road Trip Banter

Road Trip Banter

“Arby’s or Taco Bell?” Todd asks. “You can’t lose with Mexican.” Neither, I think. “We just passed a MacDonald’s,” I say thinking I can get a salad. “I don’t want roast beef.” “Arby’s has more than roast beef. Don’t you remember? We stopped after looking at a car for...
Stuck In Denver & An Angel At The Airport

Stuck In Denver & An Angel At The Airport

I probably should have stopped to take a breath when I couldn’t find my credit card as I was trying to book a room for the night in Denver because I missed my connection. I probably should not have had the glass of wine on the flight into Denver. My first flight had...
Meta Lake, A Marriage and Little Miracles

Meta Lake, A Marriage and Little Miracles

We headed up to Eagle River after I celebrated my thirty days of abstaining from wine with a glass of wine the night before. It didn’t taste good. It made me tired. It kept me awake in the night. For more than thirty years, I counted on my glass(es) of wine at the end...
On Getting Married, Geese and Grace

On Getting Married, Geese and Grace

I’ve just returned from Arizona. I went to surprise my niece for her Bridal Shower Reception. I love surprises. (I kind of gave it away though by posting a picture of me at the airport.) I’m home now, (in bed, actually, I caught a bug. But!) I have had time to reflect...

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