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Do You Hear the Song?

Do You Hear the Song?

Why Jeremiah? I woke up thinking about Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet. He Was all ready to quit when God asked him something Like this: do you want To race with the crowd or run With Horses? What does That mean? I doubt it Was about fame or fortune. He was weary. Yet,...
Loneliness Becomes Loveliness

Loneliness Becomes Loveliness

Different moods of water float with ease through broken ice. Let our moods too. As water is drawn through rocky shores toward sandy beaches, may we be drawn to? What is love that it should shine through the dark nights of our souls? What is darkness that it should...
Mystery Merges With Miraculous

Mystery Merges With Miraculous

It was eleven degrees outside and still dark. We were drinking coffee. “Did you really write that? A wee Babe’s face? Todd asked after I read him my poem. “I did. You don’t like it?” “Wee?” “What?” “We don’t talk that way,” he said attempting a Scottish accent. “A...
Morning by Morning

Morning by Morning

Flames of green stare back from tips of branches imprinted against morning sky, as new shoots of color appear lit from within While the Warblers seem pleased with the decor. For yesterday, this prelude to Summer was silent, but the Sun worked all day, the Wind...

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